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Parental Control

Protect your children from harmful content and manage their screen time. App & website blocker for Mac. Password-protected.

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4.3 star average rating1

Why Parental Control?

Block Apps & Websites

Block harmful websites and apps to Protect your children.

Limit Screen Time

Manage when certain websites and apps are available.

Password Protection

Set a password to prevent unauthorized changes.

Designed for Mac

Parental Control is designed for Mac and MacBook, ensuring seamless integration.

Multi Browser Support

Block websites across Safari, Chrome, Brave, Edge, and Opera.

Block by Category2,3

Block websites by category (e.g. pornography).

Limit Social Media

Block access to certain platforms or set a time frame.

Restrict Internet Access

Block internet access by blocking the installed web browsers and App Store.

Block URL Keywords2

Block website address keywords using asterisks (e.g. *gaming*).

Impossible to Bypass

Blocks cannot be canceled without the password you set.

Multiple Block Lists2

Create separate block lists for different purposes or schedules (e.g. homework or bedtime).

Schedule Blocking2

Schedule multiple recurring blocks (e.g. Mon-Fri).

Continuously Developed

Parental Control's history goes back to 2014 and it will continue to be supported and improved.


Parental Control has very limited access to your computer and does not change your system settings.


Made in Germany with your privacy in mind. Parental Control does not track you or upload any data.

Great Customer Support

Timely, helpful and friendly customer support.

Try Parental Control!

Protect your children from harmful content and manage their screen time. App & website blocker for Mac. Password-protected.

Download Parental Control on the Mac App Store